Strategic financial planning for healthcare organizations

Strategic financial planning for healthcare organizations

The course project must include at least the following sections; you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate:
Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic)
Review of the Literature
Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems
Recommended Solutions
Implementation of Solutions
Justification of Solutions
The course project must be seven to ten pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover page and the references pages. You must use at least
five outside sources for your course project beyond the course textbook. At least one reference must come directly from the CSU Online Library.
Web resources and professional journal articles will be key sources in researching your topic.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citation
Berger, S. (2014). Fundamentals of health care financial management: A practical guide to fiscal issues and activities (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.