Sustainable development – ethics for engineering

Sustainable development – ethics for engineering

Part I – Sustainable Development – maximum 3 pages – 35 marks
Select one Sustainable Development project – from your own research or from one of the following links:
Provide a short overview/introduction to summarize the project.
Explain how this project satisfies the Brundtland Report’s definition of Sustainable Development.
Discuss how the development of this project relates to two (unique) Engineers Canada Guidelines in Sustainable Development (, by imagining how these guidelines could have informed the development, or how they are reflected in the project’s
Format, Style & References (APA or Chicago format) per requirements; Maximum Length: 3 pages Times New Roman, 12pt, Double spaced, 1-
inch margins, page numbers.
Introduction (2 marks) and description (4 marks) of the project.
How the project satisfies the definition of Sustainability. Define Sustainability (2 marks) and at least 2 examples of how this satisfies the
definition (2 x 5 marks)