Sustainable Supply Chains with specific focus on Distribution in oil products within (ENOC) in UAE

Sustainable Supply Chains with specific focus on Distribution in oil products within (ENOC) in UAE




  • To develop an in-depth understanding of an OSCM related topic by critically reviewing the extant literature published in academic and professional outlets.
  • To identify a business organization and study the extent to which the chosen topic of study is practiced in a real-life business organization (ENOC (Emirates National Oil Company )).
  • To critically analyze the gaps between theory and practice and make recommendations for improvements in the organization.


  • ENOC (Emirates National Oil Company )


Sustainable Supply Chains with specific focus on Distribution in oil products within (ENOC) in UAE

Final Deliverables

submit a report and deliver an oral presentation. The report should target 11- 13 pages in length, single line spaced. You may consider the following structure for the final deliverables:

  1. Title page
  2.  Table of contents
  3.  Executive Summary
  4. Introduction

Literature review – salient features of the topic from literature (from below) Followings are the top journals in the domain of operations and supply chain management. Please follows these journals for a good quality output.

Academic Journals

  • Journal of Operations Management
  • International Journal of Operations & Production Management
  • Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
  • International Journal of Production Economics
  • International Journal of Production Research
  • Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
  • Journal of Supply Chain Management
  • Production Planning and Control
  • IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management

Professional Journals / Sources

  1. Description of the company under study i.e. company background, size (annual revenue, number of employees in operations), organogram of the company, products / services being offered by the company, and importance of the topic being studied for the company, Organization Chart.
  2. It must be mentioned that the company has been contacted with specifying the name of a person and the information obtained regarding the topic of the report
  3. Practices being followed by the company in relation to the chosen topic of study
  4. add any graph will help to support any iformation
  5. Gaps between literature and the practices followed by the company
  6. Methodologies Findings Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. Recommendations to improve operations with regard to your chosen topic of study
  9. References
  • The teacher will Evaluate the report based on the below criteria

Evaluation Criteria

Your report and oral presentation will be evaluated on the basis of the followings:

  • Clarity and scope of the topic to be studied in the term
  • Clarity and preciseness of the problems faced the company OR the practices followed by the company
  • Relevance of the literature to the problems faced by the company OR the practices followed by the company
  • Thoroughness and quality of literature review
  • Specific gaps between the company practices and literature
  • Recommendations to fill the gap
  • The quality of oral presentation and project report besides the content will be a factor in the final grades.