The impact of Rating Changes on Futures on Government Bond Yields

The impact of Rating Changes on Futures on Government Bond Yields

For a more accurate topic description, please see the conceptual model, file: “Conceptual model”.
Quantitative research.
See file: “Thesis outline” for the thesis requirements set by the university.
Paper format: APA7, according to university house-style, file: “Guidelines APA7.”
I have started on the thesis already. See the word document: “Thesis”. Everything in here is a draft, so if it is not up to standards or does not fit in the overall thesis, please adjust. I have written a significant part of the theoretical framework already (2887 words) and a part of the introduction (903 words).
The sources I have used so far and the research I have done until now, I gathered in a ZIP-file. This ZIP file is too large to upload, so I will do so later in the process.
I did not collect any data yet, this still needs to be done and analyzed in SPSS. I did not find any requirements on where the data needs to be collected from. However, many use the software “Datastream”. I can check if I can extend my access to Datastream to you through our university library.
I have uploaded two example theses, they are not completely accordijvzng to the latest APA7, however.