Writing Marketing Report Assignment

Writing Marketing Report Assignment

You have been provided with a case study on Amazon (which can be found in your Assignment 2 resources on Canvas). In this case it is described how Amazon has been one of the most successful companies in the world. A main point in the case is that Amazon has been using data to further enhance their profits. Further details that are relevant for your tasks, which are outlined below, can be derived from the case.

Your tasks

With respect to the Amazon case, you are to write a short market research report to answer the following questions:
1. How has Amazon used data to enhance: (1) their profits, and (2) the customer experiences? Justify your answer with examples. Also discuss the role of machine learning in enhancing profits and improving the customer experience.
2. The world has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic and some of the changes that have occurred may be lasting. Amazon’s sales have increased dramatically during the pandemic, due to the closure of stores. Explain whether the pandemic will have long-term effects on the sales of Amazon in a post-covid-19 world.
You are also required to collect at least one piece of secondary research to support your arguments in Task 1 and/or Task 2.

Below is a suggested structure:
• Page 1: Title page with course code (MKTG 202), a descriptive, interesting title of your report, submission date of your assignment, your full name, your student ID.
• Page 2: Table of contents.
• Pages 3 – 5: This is where the page limit starts (maximum of 3 pages):
• Page 3: Executive summary (half a page).
• Page 3/4: Background: setting the scene for the reader. You can extract the background information from the case provided to you.
• Page 4/5: Findings: addressing the questions in “Your Task”.
• Page 5: Conclusions: concluding the main findings of your investigation.
• Appendices (on a new page). Appendices may contain any supplementary material relating to your report which doesn’t fit into your page limit, such as references, further supporting material etc. Remember to ensure that key findings/important material is included in the body of your report rather than putting everything in the appendices. Also, ensure that you refer the reader to the relevant appendices in the main body of your report.
• References (on a new page).

Feedback Sheet

Criteria Rating Pts.
Executive summary 10.0 to >8.0 Pts
Flawless/near flawless presentation of a summary. Relevant information has been fully synthesised and prioritised; links to case/research are clear. 8.0 to >6.5 Pts
Proficient presentation but may be lacking some information. Relevant information has been synthesised where there are some links to case/research. 6.5 to >4.5 Pts
Basic presentation, just meeting expectations. Relevant information has been somewhat synthesised where there may some unclear links to case/research. 4.5 to >0 Pts
Very Poor
Poor presentation, not meeting expectations. Relevant information has not been prioritised and/or synthesised where there is no links to case/research. 10.0

Task 1
25.0 to >21.0 Pts
Identified clearly and flawlessly how data and machine learning are used by Amazon for enhancing customer experience and their profits. Displays a clear understanding of machine learning and big data. 21.0 to >15.0 Pts
Identified clearly how data and machine learning are used by Amazon for enhancing customer experience and their profits. Displays some understanding of machine learning and big data. 15.0 to >10.0 Pts
Identified how data and machine learning are used by Amazon for enhancing customer experience and their profits. 10.0 to >0 Pts
Tentative identification of how data and machine learning are used by Amazon for enhancing customer experience and their profits. 25.0
Task 2
25.0 to >21.0 Pts
Explained clearly whether Amazon’s sales will structurally change in the post-Covid-19 world and used secondary data to support the argumentation. 21.0 to >15.0 Pts
Provided a clear explanation about whether Amazon’s sales will structurally change in the post-Covid-19 world or provided a reasonable explanation that is supported by data. 15.0 to >10.0 Pts
Provided a reasonable explanation about whether Amazon’s sales will structurally change in the post-Covid-19 world 10.0 to >0 Pts
Tentative explanation about whether Amazon’s sales will structurally change in the post-Covid-19 world 25.0
Quality of secondary research (e.g. ability to answer questions, reliability of source) and APA-style referencing (including citations) 20.0 to >16.0 Pts
Top quality secondary research, good breadth and depth. Secondary sources are analysed in a thematic way, not just listed.
Flawless reference list.
16.0 to >13.0 Pts
Quality secondary research, good breadth and depth. Secondary sources are properly just listed.
Near flawless APA-style citations, quotations and references.
13.0 to >9.0 Pts
Secondary research could be improved. Quality of secondary research is somewhat basic and has flaws.
APA-style citations, quotations and references have mistakes/are inconsistent and are/or are possibly missing. 9.0 to >0 Pts
Very Poor
Secondary research is very basic/non-existent, findings are largely irrelevant
No/very tentative relationship between problems/questions and findings.
No or minimal attempt to use formal referencing. 20.0
Presentation 20.0 to >16.0 Pts
Flawless/near flawless presentation and language, professional in both regards. Discussion flows seamlessly. Great use of relevant, well designed infographics to represent data, reflecting written content.
16.0 to >13.0 Pts
Proficient presentation and/or language skills. Mostly logical flow. Some use of relevant infographics to represent data, mostly reflecting written content.
13.0 to >9.0 Pts
Basic/expected presentation and/or language skills with some logical flow. Minimal use of infographics to represent data, not adequately reflecting written content.
9.0 to >0 Pts
Very Poor
Document looks very unprofessional. Poor command of language. Difficult to understand and read. No or very little logical flow. No use of infographics to represent data.