Written Assignment for Project Engineer Job Position application

Written Assignment for Project Engineer Job Position application

The ministry regulates activities that impact the environment through a number of statutes
including the following:
I. The Environmental Assessment Act and its associated regulations,
II. The Environmental Protection Act and its associated regulations,
III. The Ontario Water Resources Act and its associated regulations,
IV. The Safe Drinking Water Act and its associated regulations.
Please describe how the ministry administers the above statutes for actual physical works
or systems in one of the categories below:
a. Sewage Collection
b. Stormwater Management
c. Equipment for the Management of Air Contaminants
d. Waste Management Systems
that is located within five (5) km of your place of residence (I live in 6444 Torre Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). For Waste Management Systems, you may select a
system within the boundaries of your municipality. If you live outside Ontario or in a rural
area, please use 40 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario as the default location.
Choose one topic from the above (either a, b, c or d) to:
1. Describe the works or system, and the purpose from the environmental and health
protection perspective.
2. Identity the physical location of the works or system through street

addresses or geo-referencing, and the distance from your residence.
3. Identify which of the statutes listen in items I-IV above apply to the works in question,
and what approvals or permissions the ministry issues for the establishment or alteration
of each. Include the specific legislative reference, and if available, identify the specific
approval or permission including reference number and date of issue.
4. Identify the engineering principles/design criteria that are used by ministry engineers
prior to making a decision to approve or deny the approval for the establishment or
alteration of the works or system. What are the environmental protection principles that
these codify?
5. Provide references for all sources of information used in 1-4, and describe how you
organized the completion of this task.
Evaluation Criteria (MUST include all points in the written assignment). The above
responses MUST include the following:
1. Knowledge of engineering principles and environmental regulations,
2. Written communications skills,
3. Project management and organizational skills,
4. Demonstration of problem-solving skills,
5. Proficiency in the application of computer software.