1984 George Orwell Big Brother The Inner Party – Ask Essay Help from deskmatetutors.com
1984 George Orwell Big Brother The Inner Party – Ask Essay Help from deskmatetutors.com
1984 – George Orwell
Choose methods that Big Brother, The Inner Party, utilizes to keep the population suppressed.
Discuss how the population is kept supportive of the Party, but also “kept from knowing,”
and also living in a state of “not having.” It is vitally important to the inner party that the people of Oceania be kept in a perpetual state of paranoia. Discuss how this is achieved and, most importantly, why it is so crucial to the party’s system of control. What is meant by perpetual war? How does this work in the world of 1984? What is the Party’s view of The Brotherhood and Goldstein? What role does Mr. Charrington play? What about Goldstein and The Book? You may attempt to clarify some ideas like doublethink/cognitive dissonance and Newspeak. Recall the idea of Linguistic Relativity discussed in class. Cite specific examples and pages to support your essay topic.
- Your essay must be 1,000+ words, typed, double spaced, 12-point font, a decent, readable font please; Arial, Times New Roman, or similar.
- I gave you much to think about, so use the group of prompts included in each question to assist you in writing. Read the prompts carefully and decide which ones are best for you to explore.
- Don’t just define terms, explain the concepts behind them, then discuss their importance. Add some of your thoughts to why they are effective within the novel.
- If you use essays or articles to find ideas, cite them in your endnotes/bibliography.