Long term Goal, Balanced Scorecard

  1. Long term Goal:

“The Group’s goal is to offer attractive, safe and environmentally sound vehicles which can compete in an increasingly tough market and set world standards in their respective class.”
2.Balanced Scorecard:
Financial Perspectives:
Profit: 6.5 percent to 7.5 percent.
Operating return on Sales: 6.5 – 7.5%
Return on investment: 12-14%
Customer Perspectives:
Market penetration:
Offer affordable city cars, functional light commercial vehicles.
Inspire new customers and keep them loyal.
Internal Business Process:
Property, Plant and Equipment improvements
Learning and growth:
Employee satisfaction:
Competent and committed employees
Take on responsibility for the environment and society.
Develop sustainability as management principle
3.Balanced Scorecard effects on Manager:
Balanced score card helps manager to develop an efficient policy which leads to achieving the organizational goal.
4.Lead and Lag Measure:
Lead indicators are measures of non-financial and financial outcomes that guide management in making current decisions which yields results in the future. For example, here return on investment would be a lead indicator.
Lag indicators are results of management decisions which are made earlier. For example, here lag indicator is company’s cash flow.

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