Comprehensive Career Assessment Paper

Comprehensive Career Assessment Paper
Create an assessment battery for a hypothetical client seeking career counseling and guidance.
Include the types of assessments you would use and the rationale for your choice of
each assessment.
Use at least 3 quantitative assessments and 2 qualitative assessments (i.e. clinical
interview, card sort etc.)
Each assessment you select should be thoroughly discussed in terms of the
appropriateness of use with your client and should include statistical data to support your
decision such as the population on which the assessment was normed, the validity and
reliability of using the assessment with your client, and any limitations the assessment
would have if used with diverse and special populatio
Include information on how to use electronic resources such as O*NET and CAGS as
well as the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to describe the mental, physical, and
vocational preparation for work.
The body of the paper should be a minimum of 10 pages and should include additional
resources and references other than the text book. You may use yourself as the hypothetical
The Following are headings to be incorporated in your paper:
Assessment used
Self-Directed Search
Strong Campbell
Results of assessment
Cognitive strengths and weaknesses
Physical or mental limitation or strengths
Clinical impression or counselor’s impression (this would be information you would gain
during the initial interview with the client)
Cultural considerations and special needs
Jobs available in the national labor market. You will need to go to either the Bureau of
Labor statistics and/or ONET to get the job requirements, physical and mental demands,
the numbers of these jobs in the national economy, and how this will affect
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the geographical area in which they live.
If additional skills are needed for the jobs you cite in the previous section, how will the
client acquire those skills
Summary and conclusion.
Submit your paper to the Turnitin link below. The paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word;
Times New Roman font; 12 pt. font size; margins 1” on all sides; double-spaced. The
assignment should be written on a graduate level and references used should be cited within
the discussion and documented in a reference list using APA styling.
Use these two references and 3 references of your choice
Duane Brown (2016). Career information, career counseling, and career development. (11th ed.).
Pearson, Boston.
Figler, H., & Bolles, R. N. (2007). The Career Counselor’s Handbook. (2nd ed.) Berkley:
Ten Speed Press

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