Analysis of BMW an Volkswagen’s Financial Reports

The report needs to use quantitative research methods to analyze the financial position of BMW an Volkswagen in the recent three years’ annual reports. Using the data in the report to calculate and analyze the information of two companies, such as debt solvency, profitability, and operating capac to judge whether the financial position is conducive to the sustainable development of the company table showing all the data is needed. In addition, because I mentioned in the methodology that the trend analysis method should be used to longitudinally compare the trends of some financial indicat of a company for several years, so the article should also describe the three-year trend of financial indicators and their impact on sustainability. Note: This will be used as part of findings in my dissertation, so the beginning and end are not important. The overall dissertation focuses on the company’s sustainable development from three perspectives: environment, society and economy. Therefore, when analyzing the reasons for data changes, the impact of the company’s sustainability behavior on it can be involved. Volkswagen’s annual report is not attached because the document i relatively large.Volkswagen’s annual report is not attached because the document is relatively large.Volkswagen’s annual report is not attached because the document is relatively large.Volkswagen’s annual report is not attached because the document is relatively large. Volkswagen’s annual reports are not attached because the documents are relatively large.

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