Electrical Power Generation Report

Electrical Power Generation Report


Report Paper: Electric Power Generation 

  • The report is to cover ALL of the different types of power generation resources and technologies.
  • The main resources need to be covered are:
  •  oil generation,
  •  coal-based generation,
  • natural gas generation (combined cycle unit technology),
  • Hydroelectric power generation,
  • wind generation,
  • nuclear generation (fission and fusion systems),
  • solar generation (photovoltaic system).
  • Each of these resources have several technologies, please cover types of technologies for each resources generation.
  • (There are many types of the conventional and non-conventional generation, please cover all of them and do not just restrict yourself only to the ones listed.)
  • Address the (a) historical, (b) economic, (c) environmental and (d) technological issues associated with each of the generation resources.
  • Consider future technological advances and efficiency improvements as well as environmental concerns and safety issues for each conventional and non-conventional generation.
  • Please DO a COMPARATIVE analysis of the different generation types and discussions of your own perspective and views of the various generation resources may enhance the value of the paper.
  • Project report need to be Single space, 12 pts, Times New Roman.
  • Should include full citations of referenced materials.