Is there a difference between personal ethics and business ethics

Is there a difference between personal ethics and business ethics

Discussion board that just needs a short response to each of the question below.
1. What do you think are the major influences on bad ethical decisions that we hear about in the news and read about in the papers?
2. What ethical influences impact our decision making?
3. Think about our current Corona Virus situation. In Italy the hospitals are so overwhelmed, doctors are having to choose which patients they can treat and which they will only provide palliative care (keep them comfortable) because there aren’t enough ventilators to go around. While there are medical criteria to follow, there are human lives at risk. How do we live with those decisions as a society and as individuals?
4.Is it possible to have a universal set of ethical values by which we can all abide? Why do you believe that to be true?
5. Is there a difference between personal ethics and business ethics? Why?