Aviation History The First Ladies of Flight

Aviation History The First Ladies of Flight

Individual Student Course Paper Criteria 50 Points
Conduct research on a topic in aviation history and write a six-page typed report. You must use and cite at least three different sources of information on the topic. The paper must describe a single theme and indicate what is historically significant about the topic. Organize in chronological order (if applicable). Answer who, what, when, where, and why. You will need a reference page with a minimum of three references. You can use one of the topics listed below or another topic approved by the instructor.
Possible research topics

  • The Origins of Air Mail Service in the United States
  • Chuck Yeager Breaking the Sound Barrier
  • Spirit of St Louis & the Lindbergh Flight from New York to Paris The Tuskegee Airman
  • Tokyo Raiders: Doolittle Raid
  • The Space Shuttle Challenger accident
  • The First Ladies of Flight
  • The Story of Amelia Earhart
  • The Rise and Fall of Pan American
  • First Successful Helicopter Flight, Igor Sikorski
  • The US/USSR race to the moon
  • The development of the jet engine
    ___ Minimum six pages (not including cover-title page/references) (-5 points for < 6 pages)
    ___ Double-spaced (5 points)
    ___ Three references/sources and cited (5 points) ___ Reference page (5 points)
    ___ Turn in dates:
    ____by 4 March (50 points max) ____after 4 March (40 points max) ____after 11 March (30 points max) ____after 18 March (20 points max)
    ____after 25 March (10 points max)