Globalization and Its Consequences Impacts of Globalization Effects of Globalization

Globalization and Its Consequences Impacts of Globalization Effects of Globalization

Research Paper Requirements

Part one of this paper has already been submitted to the instructor.  In this assignment I will need the author to follow strict instruction.  See attachment to Paper requirements.

  1. Please read the original draft and assist in re-writing this portion better (original is poorly written). Please keep the paper in the same format. The subject of the paper is -> Globalization is destroying the livelihood of peasant farmers.  My stance is that I agree that globalization is destroying the livelihood of peasant farmers and the paper must support that
  2. All sources most be included in the Bibliography, and provided back to me. This sources have to be ones easily found by an United States college student. Please do not use international sourced documents.
  3. The grading rubric is as follows:
    1. The Explanation of how Globalization is destroying the livelihood of peasant farmers is complete
    2. Data that demonstrates globalization is destroying the livelihood of peasant farmers is presented
    3. Evidence of changes in the relevant variables that are consistent with the explanation are provided
    4. The data/statistics are clearly references and discussed as part of the argument