Reflection Journal Reflective Journal

Reflection Journal Reflective Journal

Assessments for this paper is attached.
After taking assessments from Chapter 5 and Chapter 6–Please specify your scores from the assessments. Please respond to the designated questions below:
Ch.5–PLANNING–What is your vision for your career and life? How will you try to make it happen? How can you facilitate goal achievement?
What MBO principles could assist you with achieving your goals?
Ch. 6–Strategic Thinking–Discuss your results of your strategic thinking level-Are you high or Low? How could you improve? Discuss what your
organization does to promote strategic thinking. How can you engage more in this process?
Ch. 6–Core Skills for Strategic Planning–Based on your results, do you think you would like to make a career out of strategic planning? Why or why not? What appeals or does not appeal to you about this career? Explain. How might you enhance your strategic skills? Discuss.