Constructing a relative frequency distribution cumulative frequency distribution cumulative relative frequency distribution frequency histogramrelative frequency histogram

Constructing a relative frequency distribution cumulative frequency distribution cumulative relative frequency distribution frequency histogramrelative frequency histogram

Live Births
The following frequency distribution represents the number of live births (in
thousands) in the United States in 2012 by age of mother.
Age of Mother (years) Births (thousands)
10-14                              3
15-19                              275
20-24                            902
25-29                            1128
30-34                            1044
35-39                            487
40-44                           110
45-49                             7
50-54                             1
Source: National Center for Health Statistics
A) Construct a relative frequency distribution.
B) Construct a cumulative frequency distribution.
C) Construct a cumulative relative frequency distribution.
D) Construct a frequency histogram. Describe the shape of the distribution.
E) Construct a relative frequency histogram