Ethics Data Privacy Assignment

Ethics Data Privacy Assignment

Chapter 3: Ethics Assignment (Group)
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In this assignment, you will research a complicated ethical situation. The position you are asked to take may or may not match your own personal beliefs, but your research and use of logic will enable you to represent whichever view is assigned.
You will work with your group members. Together the group will agree on an ethical solution.
1. Read this document: Chapter 3 – Ethics
2. View this TED talk on How Tech Companies Deceive You into Giving Up Your Data and Privacy (Links to an external site.)
3. Review this infographic: Internet Privacy: How Much Data Does the Net Hold on You? (Links to an external site.)
4. Read this article on Internet Privacy before starting the project: An Ethical Approach to Data Privacy Protection
Team Work
1. Your instructor will be assigning each group a device or software application. Your group will then need to read and evaluate the privacy policy.
2. Using Microsoft Word,
o Each member answers and explains the following question:
 What is your core ethical belief concerning Internet privacy, especially regarding the collecting of personally identifiable information?
o As a group, write a summary of the privacy terms for the device or software app.
Remember: to summarize, you must read a passage closely, finding the main ideas and supporting ideas. Then you must briefly write down those ideas in a few sentences or a paragraph. If you are not sure how to write a summary, look at How to Write a Summary (Links to an external site.) from Lumen.
3. In the same document, on a separate page of the document (hint: use Page Break), answer these questions regarding ethical concerns from the standpoint of the user of the software or app:
o Which categories of personal and private information can be gathered?
o Can personal details obtained be used for other purposes such as used in commercials or ads?
o Are individuals notified by the company if they use personal information?
o Is this data shared with third party companies? Are these companies identified?
o Can an individual stop using the website and request the company to remove their data from their database?
o How long will this data be stored?
4. Now look at the privacy terms from the standpoint of the business that created the device or software app. Provide three pros and three cons in a table format. For help in creating a pros and cons list, take a look at 10 Tips for Better Pro-Con Lists (Links to an external site.).
5. Team members should present their case to the class along with the summary and resolution they developed, concerning these two questions:
o Can users have smart devices or software apps that offer us great conveniences while preserving our fundamental right to privacy?
o Who is ultimately responsible for controlling our privacy: users or the companies that make the devices or the software apps?
6. For grading purposes, each team member must upload the complete document to Discussions in Canvas by the due date. Include the full name of each member of the team along with the course section number and the date.