Compare and contrast the way technology was used to communicate five years ago and the way it is used to communicate today

Compare and contrast the way technology was used to communicate five years ago and the way it is used to communicate today

Your essay must be between two full pages to three pages (12 Times New Roman font), double-spaced, and should demonstrate the concepts discussed this week regarding Compare and Contrast per block format. Your essay should contain a strong thesis statement, clear topic sentences and an appropriate paragraph structure (point by point or block – whichever is most appropriate for your topic). In addition, your paper should have an original title and should be 2 full pages to 3 pages long. Your paper should also demonstrate an ability to use multiple
sentence structures and vocabulary correctly. “A” papers will be relatively free of grammatical or spelling errors.This paper must be your own, original work composed only for this class. It must not have been created for another course or otherwise submitted for academic credit in any