Your manager on the Project (that you visited) requests that you carry out a risk assessment on potential risks

Your manager on the Project (that you visited) requests that you carry out a risk
assessment on potential risks to be encountered during the construction operations

Construction Risk Assessment
Your manager on the Project (that you visited) requests that you carry out a risk
assessment on potential risks to be encountered during the construction operations of
the works you have proposed. To achieve this, you are required to produce a report
that identifies, assesses and provides solution(s) for potential risks associated with
this project. This report is to be submitted to your manager for review.
The 100 maximum total mark for the three tasks is equated to 100%. Overall, the
assignment carries 20% of the total mark for the course. Your score out of the 100%
will be factored by 20% to establish the score contribution to the overall mark for the
Carry out a risk assessment on the proposed works for this project.
1. Provide a written report that contains the following:
A. Not less than 5 potential construction risks analysed; that is related to the
construction operation of the proposed project. Your analysis should cover the
a) Materials management, Supply and Logistics;
b) Health and Safety management;
c) Construction Plants and Equipment;
d) Quality management and assurance; and
e) Construction Waste management.
B. A detailed assessment of the risks’ resultant effects on the success of
construction project if not treated.
C. Realistic treatment(s) to the construction risks identified.
2. Draw up a risk register (tabular form) containing the construction risks identified and
the treatment(s) to these risks. The risk register should contain the following:
A. Item number;
B. Description;
C. Risk level (high, medium or low);
D. Impact without treatment (cost impact, time impact, quality impact); and
E. Responses (avoid, accept, transfer, mitigate).