Crow Brief Assignment

Crow Brief Assignment

The Crown Brief Title Page is pretty much what it sounds like, it is a title page that lists the case;
who the accused person is, what the charge(s) is/are, and who is the officer in charge of the case.
For your Crown Brief Assignment you must determine what charges will be laid against the
arrested party.

General occurrences are generated by police officers when they have criminal offences reported
to them and an arrest is not made at the time, or further investigation is required.
The general occurrence form is for the most part fill in the blanks with information obtained
from the complainant and/or witness(es).
The supplementary report has a synopsis of what has occurred, and what, if any, actions the
attending police officer(s) took, this is the initial steps of a criminal investigation by front line
An investigator(s) will be assigned the occurrence, and will utilize this paperwork as a starting
point for their investigations, determining what the attending officers did, and what needs to be
The example above is based upon a made up scenario of a civil matter that resulted in an assault,
an officer attends the scene and conducts an initial investigation that includes; speaks to
witnesses and checks the area for the suspect.

A synopsis includes all details of what is required to prove the case before the court. The purpose
of a synopsis generally is twofold when it comes to the court proceedings.
(1) If an accused party is held for a show cause hearing (not released by the police as is the case
in the example) the Crown Attorney reads out the synopsis in court to inform the Justice of what
the allegation(s) is/are that the accused is facing. This information to be considered by the
Justice, in regard to whether or not he/she should be released from custody.
(2) If an accused party decides to plead guilty (waiving the right to a trial) the Crown Attorney
will read the synopsis in court to inform the Justice of what is an agreed statement of facts
between the Crown and Defence. The Justice will use this information to determine what
punishment the accused will face.
Because of the above two possible uses of a synopsis, it is important that the ‘facts in issue’ are
included, as well as the procedural arrest steps as per section 10 of the Charter, as well as any
evidence that was seized during the arrest/investigation.
The supplementary record of arrest synopsis is similar to the synopsis from a general occurrence,
the difference is that someone has been arrested/charged
Use the supplementary record of arrest for this document.