Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Employee Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Employee Safety

Research Paper

Topic: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) (employee’s safety)

Each Student will pick an area of hospitality operations (hotels, restaurants, conference centers, private clubs, cruise ships, etc.) and research what laws apply to the specific area of operations.  As an example: hotel reservations and what laws apply.  The student must not just list the laws but must outline what laws apply and provide an analysis of the specific laws to the operations.

Length: double spaced, but no less than 7 pages. If the paper is not at least 7 full pages, a passing grade will not be received. The font size must be 12 pt.  Times New Roman. Please do not use endnotes, footnotes or a reference page for your citations to your authority for your facts and legal arguments.  Such pages will not count towards the 7-10-page length requirement.


-You may use cases and statutes referred to in the text as a starting point of your research.  A research paper that relies mostly on cases and statutes referred to in the text will not receive a passing grade

– You may use statutes and regulations from the web.  As an example, if you want to research the Americans with Disabilities Act, you may want to look at www.ada.gov If you want to research food safety you may want to take a look at www.fda.gov or similar sites that have regulations and statutes available.  A full legal library can be found on line at the Law Library of Congress at www.loc.gov/law You can access several cases, statutes and rules as well as articles on various legal topics by using the online University Library.

Citation to the Law:

For cases, please provide the name of the parties and then the cite where the case can be found; i.e.; Thomas v Harrison, 21 US 451 (2012): Thomas and Harrison are the parties, the case can be found in book 21 of the United States Reporter at page 451 and was decided in 2012.  For statutes, just use the citation that is provided in the code.  The same for any regulations that you cite to, such as the ADA. Either style (apa or mla) is fine as long as your paper does not include a reference page or page wherein you cite your legal authority as you should cite to your legal authority within the text of your paper.


I expect that for each “fact” or “argument” that you provide in your paper that you cite (tell me where you found your fact or argument) to the legal authority that supports the fact or argument.  The papers that provide facts and arguments without providing the citation to the legal authority to support the fact and or argument will not receive a very high grade.  I need to know where you obtained your facts and support for your arguments

Recommend from professor:

What I am looking for is not an exhausted research of a specific area of the law.  What I want to see is your recognizing the legal issues involved in a specific area of hospitality management and your ability to analyze the law to the operations. Further, your discussion of the law and the application of the law to your subject.  I also want your recommendations on the law as applied to hospitality operations for the suggested topic of your choice.  As an example, if your topic is room reservations and the law applied, you may discuss how to make reservations more enforceable if necessary in a court of law.