Emphasizing Important Information in a Technical Description

Emphasizing Important Information in a Technical Description

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the case background and documents, complete the assignment below. Your instructor will tell you how he or she would like you to submit your work. If your instructor wishes, do this assignment in a collaborative team. Otherwise, do it on your own.
1. Review Chapter 6 and study Dr. Juneja’s email. For each of the five points he makes, identify a passage in the original draft that could be improved as he describes. Revise each of the five passages according to his suggestions. For example, the first point in his email refers to the title of the draft. Revise the title to reflect his suggestion.
2. Perform any necessary research to learn more about 3D printing, and then revise Document 6.1 to improve its coherence. Focus on the title, the headings, lists, and paragraphs (including topic sentences, adequate support, and transitional words and phrases).
Reflecting on Your Work
Once you’ve completed your assignment, write a reflection about your work using the prompt below.
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Return to one of the sources you consulted as you further researched 3D printing. Examine how effectively this source emphasizes important information. In the box below, explain the ways in which this source follows or strays from the principles of emphasis and coherence covered in the chapter. In presenting information about 3D printing, did any of your sources inspire ideas about how you might improve the organization and development of your own draft? How so?