Weather Data, Atmospheric Composition and Energy Transfer

Weather Data, Atmospheric Composition and Energy Transfer

The written homework set for Module 1 has seven questions. Their solutions involve critical thinking skills that apply concepts contained in the energy module (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 of Hakim & Patoux). Their solution requires a thorough understanding of the material that goes beyond what is required to pass Self-Assessments and Quizzes.

The assignment will be evaluated using a 4-4-2 scoring system, where the first “4” is for completeness and sincerity of effort; the second “4” is for the scientific correctness of your answer to the “focus” question(s); the “2” is for the quality of writing. To review the evaluation procedure.

Read 4 chapters from the Book: Weather a Concise Introduction
by Gregory Hakim and Jerome Patoux