Mass Incarceration Research Memo APA Style

Mass Incarceration Research Memo APA Style


The first paragraph will start with a definition of the phrase mass incarceration. The introduction will then give contextual information such as the state of mass incarceration in the country. This includes general statistics. The last paragraph of the introduction will state that mass incarceration has brought about some undesired consequences. The paragraph presents mass incarceration as a social problem.

Historical Background

The section discusses the history of mass incarceration. It looks into how prison numbers grew over the years and the role that the political leadership in bringing about mass incarceration. In this part, the research will discuss how the politicians’ calls for more punitive measures brought about the problem.


  1. The History of Mass Incarceration, by James Cullen
  2. Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
  3. Imprisoning America: The Social Effects of Mass Incarceration by Mary Pattillo, ‎Bruce Western and ‎David Weiman
  4. Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse by Todd Clear
  5. Rethinking Punishment in the Era of Mass Incarceration by Chris W. Surprenant


In this section, the effects of mass incarceration are directly discussed.

Case Law

This section presents notable case law on the subject of mass incarceration. These include cases where the courts have taken note of and remarked on the issue.

Critique of Mass Incarceration

In this section, the research critiques mass incarceration. The criticisms will be based on the objectives of criminal justice, and whether mass incarceration is effectively aiding the realization of the objectives.


This part sets out the researcher’s recommendations to the issue of mass incarceration, such as restorative justice and community-based initiatives.


The research admits to the social problem of mass incarceration and that it will continue to exist for long, but the important thing is to step up decarceration.


Clear, T. (2007). Imprisoning communities. Toronto.

Cullen, J. (2018). The History of Mass Incarceration. Brennan Center for Justice. Retrieved 22 January 2021, from

Pattillo, M., Weiman, D., & Western, B. (2006). Imprisoning America. Russell Sage Foundation.

Surprenant, C. (2018). Rethinking punishment in the era of mass incarceration (1st ed.). Routledge.

Tocqueville, A., & Reeve, H. (1889). Democracy in America. Longmans, Green.

RESEARCH MEMO INFORMATION                            Introduction to Corrections CJ&105

Winter 2021

  1. Grading Criteria

All term memos must comply with academic standards of quality and excellence. Memos are to be each student’s own original work. Students who plagiarize will receive no points for the paper.  Plagiarism is stealing another person’s work, words and ideas and passing them off as your own. The original copy of the memo is to be submitted to the course instructor. The paper may be used only for one course. Memo topics must be course related. They could be scored in accordance with the following criteria, though each professor establishes his/her own grading policy.

  1. Preparation of Memo Research in the APA Style



The following suggestions concerning the structure, organization and composition of research memos using the citation of style of the American Psychological Association are intended to make your task easier.  They are not given with the intention of being pedantic.  They are given to save you time, energy, and irritation. Turnitin will be used for this research project. Every student will upload there document in the purposed area.


Library Research

Record all references when they are first read.  Record the information in the following manner:


Gibbons, D.C. (1968) Society, Crime, and Criminal Careers.  Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.


Jeffery, C.R. (1965) “Criminal Behavior and Learning Theory,” Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, July, Vol 52(1): 293-300.


Please reach out to Jody Segal at Green River College for help and guidance on research. Also, utilize the Writing and Tutoring Center to help create your outline and direction for your paper.



The instructor may require that an outline be submitted prior to the memo’s due date. Even if an outline is not required, it may prove to be beneficial to construct an outline before writing the paper itself.


Generally speaking, an outline consists of major and minor topic headings, organized with regard to the specific topic being researched. Topic headings usually include an introduction, historical background and/or literature review, main body of the text, critique (including the presentation of pro and con positions), proposed solutions, conclusions, and summary, followed by a complete listing of all references referred to or cited in the text. Outline for research paper will be due Week 3 of the Quarter.

Title Page
This will be your first page of your term paper. Make sure it is centered in the middle of the page. The title should be centered on a separate page and should be followed by your name, the course number, day and time of the class meeting, and the name of the instructor, in the following manner:

Prison Overcrowding
Introduction to Corrections 105
Winter Quarter 2021

Topic Headings
The first heading should be centered on the page in the following manner:


FROM: First Name, Last Name, Green  Student

DATE: Month, Day, Year

SUBJECT: Research Topic


Note that the first heading is typed in capitals and lower case and is not underlined.  Underlining is reserved for material that is intended to be italicized in the text.  Sub-headings, which represent a topic under the main heading, are placed even with the margin and italicized in the following manner:

Racial Disparties

Should it be necessary to use an even finer breakdown of topic material (i.e., fourth or fifth headings), it is recommended that a system of numbering or lettering be used. This term paper should be typed at 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial) doubled spaced. They should be cited in full, and in the following manner:

  • References

As stated above, the list of references listed in alphabetical order should include only those items quoted or cited in the text.  Your reference page should be your final page of your paper. Make sure your citations are in APA format.


Carhes, Sam P. (1978) Controlling Juvenile Delinquency.  New York:  McGraw-Hill.   (This is the proper citation format for a book citation by a single author.)

Smith, James B., and Ann M. Jones (1978) Controlling Juvenile Delinquency.  New York:  McGraw-Hill.   (This is the proper citation format for a book which has two authors.)

Smith, J.B., A.M. Jones and Y.Z. Brown (1988) Controlling Juvenile Delinquency.  New York:  McGraw-Hill.  (This is the proper citation format for a book with multiple authors.)

Grading Criteria





Analysis (50 points)

1.) Research findings for memo intends to investigate (and ultimately answer) and what your presentation will deliver.

2.) You will write a 5 page research memo on your project plans for your research.

Be sure to also include a justification explaining why your research is important to the Department of Corrections audience.

3.) Why are they important questions to address? Keep your presentation audience in mind as you consider these answers. What is your purpose?



Form and Style (30 Points)

a) Organization: Is the memo organized in an orderly fashion with topic headings?

b) Style: Is the writing style coherent? Is the formatting spaced correctly?

c) Grammar: Are words used and spelled correctly, are paragraphs used, and are all sentences complete? Are contractions avoided?

d) In-Text Citations: Are the citations in APA format?



Literature Review (20 Points)

a) Depth and Comprehensiveness: Were a sufficient number of relevant sources utilized to provide a thorough exploration of the topic? 3 scholarly sources should be used in this research.

b) Appropriateness of References: Were scholarly materials used? Secondary sources are great to support your research.


Example Research Topics

Punishment and Incarceration


Capital Punishment

Community Justice

Criminal Sentencing

Drug Courts

Juvenile Corrections

Lethal Injection

Mandatory Sentencing

Mass Incarceration



Prisoners’ Rights


Prisons in America

Prisons in Great Britain

Private Prisons

Restorative Justice

Social Work with Criminals

Transitional Justice

Women in Prison

  • These are examples. If you have something else you want to research, make sure you turn in the outline in Week 3 for approval.