Quantitative Methods Calculations

Quantitative Methods Calculations

Module Title: Quantitative Methods
Lecturer: Dr. Gyöngyi Bugár,
Associate Professor
Room: B119
Telephone: + 3 6 7 2 501 5 9 9 /
E-mail: bugar.gyongyi@ktk.pte.
S h o r t
The module covers the relevant areas of Optimisation Theory
and its applications in economics and business.
Sessions (tentative schedule):
1. Differential calculus and its application for one-variable functions.
Optimisation and complete analysis of one-variable functions.
2. The elements of linear and nonlinear programming: Level Curve method.
Differential calculus for functions with several variables. Unconstrained
optimization problems.
3. Equality constrained optimization problems. The Lagrangian Multiplier
Assessment: The students are required to submit a 10-15-page written
assignment titled “Business Applications of Optimisation Theory”
based on an elaborated literature review of a selected topic
Core Learning
Handouts uploaded to Neptun, 2020.
Sydsæter, Hammond, Strøm: Essential Mathematics for
Analysis, Pearson Education, 4th edition, 2012.
I m p o r t a n t
Submission of the written assignment: 30 September, 2020.
The date given above is a final deadline. However, earlier
delivery is appreciated.
Evaluation of the assignment by the lecturer: 31 October, 2020.