Coursework Assignments

Coursework Assignments 

For Assignment #1 Instructions:
Pick a passage with 30 sentences. (For shorter materials choose 10 sentences)
• For 30 sentences, choose 10 consecutive sentences at the beginning, 10 at the middle &
10 at the end of a piece. (For 10 sentences, choose 3 to 4 sentences at beginning, 3 to 4
sentences in middle, and 3 to 4 sentences at end)
• Count all the words containing 3 or more syllables, including repetitions. Dates are
treated like the fully stated word (eg, the date 2014 is five syllables). Acronyms are
treated like the common usage of that term (eg, HIV is three syllables).
• Use the conversion chart to determine reading level.
• The chart below is for 30 sentences. If you only use 10 sentences then multiply your results by 3 and then look at the polysyllabic word count.
• Bullet points: long ones count as a sentence. Short ones are strung together to count as a
Note: to reach a 6th grade or lower level, almost all words over 2 syllables need to be changed to
shorter words. Most words should be one syllable. For example:
“For further information:” = “To learn more:”
Online calculator to double check result:
Note this site requires at least 10 sentences to get a good reading. Remove websites and
It is not as accurate as the hand-calculated method with 30 sentences.
*I attached a screenshot of the chart the instructions are referring to.
Assignment # 2 Instructions:
Read the article and answer the question. The article is called ” Hypertension and the Hmong
community: Using the health belief model for health promotion”. 5 sentences minimum. I
attached the article as a pdf.
Here is the Question: Among the Hmong community, culture played a major role in the collective beliefs on chronic illness. Did the cultural differences ultimately affect the intervention strategies
that were developed, and if yes how so?
Assignment #3 Instructions.
Write a paragraph minimum 5 sentences on a case study about African American and tobacco
Here is the case overview summary: Summary
Most African American smokers use menthol.
Menthol acts as an anesthetic to mask harsh taste.
Menthol smokers inhale more smoke per cigarette.
Menthols are a starter cigarette for youth.
Menthol smokers, especially racial/ethnic minority populations and youth, have more difficulty
African American smokers have higher rates of tobacco-related diseases.
Tobacco Risk-Tobacco is the number one cause of preventable death and disease and a major
contributor to heart disease, cancer and stroke.Half of all smokers die prematurely from smoking.
African American Risk: African Americans have about the same prevalence rates of smoking as white adults in the U.S.
African Americans start smoking at a later age (age 18 to 19) and smoke fewer cigarettes per
day, on average.
African Americans have higher rates of lung cancer, heart disease and stroke than white
Menthol Use: Women and Youth: More women than men smoke menthol.
Menthol is considered the tobacco industry’s “starter” ingredient. Its anesthetizing effect makes
the smoke “smooth” and easier to inhale while masking the harshness of tobacco, so it’s
especially popular among young and beginner smokers.
Now that I provided you with a summary overview and data of the case study of African
Americans and smoking. Write how would you make a brochure in paragraph form. And include
these questions.How would I use this brochure?
In what setting would this brochure be most appropriate?
How would this brochure “fit” among the other health promotion tools and techniques you’d use
with a client? (That is, into what larger strategy might it fit?)
How does your brochure approach work for this population?

What might you say to a smoker to help convey some of the messages in the brochure?
Please message me if you need clarification on the instructions.