Spotting White-Collar Crime in the Wild

Spotting White-Collar Crime in the Wild

For this assignment, find a news story about a white-collar crime from one of the sites listed, or
another reputable news site (LA Times, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Sacramento Bee and
write up a short summary of it. In your summary, address the following questions:
1. Explain why the case in your article is a white-collar crime, as defined in Chapter 1
(Benson/Simpson textbook). In particular, look at the different methods of defining white-collar
crime, such as Sutherland’s approach, offender-based definition, and offense-based approach.
2. What is the type of crime alleged (i.e., mortgage fraud, money laundering, bribery,
environmental offense, etc.)?

3. Who is the offender? Who is the victim?
4. Why did you choose this article?
5. Is this something you might want to do your Case Study on?
Include a link to the article.
*Textbook could be found online if needed –
Michael L. Benson and Sally S. Simpson, White-Collar Crime: An Opportunity Perspective,3rd
ed. (Routledge, 2018)