Qualitative Research – Assignment Help

Qualitative Research – Assignment Help

This assignment is the final written report of your Basic Qualitative Study (In what ways do unhealthy adults seeking help through online training perceive and understand their experiences with education and educative processes?) to answer the question: “In what ways do different perspectives perceive and understand their experiences with education and educative processes?” Use the attached template to write this report. In this assignment you will combine analysis of the data that you collected during your interview with the narrative data that was collected during the first week of class – this is where ‘different perspectives’ will come from. All previous pieces (the design plan, your data sources, signed IRB letter, interview guide, and narrative coding sheets) will contribute and should be included in the final report with all necessary changes made.
In addition to previously submitted pieces, the final report write-up (the rationale, research question(s), methods, findings, and reflection) must synthesize the analysis of: (1) narratives, (2) interview transcript, and (3) your own voice as a researcher (positionality memo). Think about how you may want to title your report and how your writing will accommodate these 3 distinct perspectives on the topic that we
have been exploring this term. Remember that qualitative writing requires you to move flexibly between different meanings and themes generated by your research and highlight commonality and disjunctions in human experiences.
First: use the ‘coding report’ (attached in files) from Assignment #5 as your
guide and go through these steps:
* Type up the transcript of the interview (must be included in Appendix). This can be done by hand, or there are many online resources for transcription.
* Apply codes that you constructed in Assignment 5 to this additional piece of data (must be included in Appendix)
* Revise your coding scheme and book, if new data does not fit existing categories/themes (must be included in Appendix)
* Re-visit your findings from Assignment #5: What additional insights about the perception of educative experiences did you gain from this additional piece of data? Do you need to tweak your coding scheme? Discuss your overall findings and your interpretations to answer your research question(s). 
Second, think about all the documents you produced this term as a whole: What is the big picture? Is there one story that emerges out of these different pieces? Does one piece of data support another or does it challenge it? Do you see a patterns in how people perceive and understand their experiences with education and educative processes? How does your voice contribute to this story? Remember that you (the researcher) is the ‘primary instrument’ in qualitative inquiry, so now is your time to demonstrate how seemingly disconnected data ‘makes sense’ to you.
Finally, use the attached template to write your report. The report must contain all required appendices. Outside references beyond the course text are required. Use Hwang & Vrongisinos (2010) article (attached in files) as a model for your write-up and also as a source of additional perspective on the topic of our course. Review qualitative reporting standards in the APA Manual, sections 3.13 to 3.16 (pp. 94 – 104) and consult Table 3.2 as you develop sections of your report (attached in files). 
This paper should be written using appropriate APA style and Pan’s Checklist of Guidelines, with a focus on checklists for chapters 13-15. Length of the report should be 10-12 pages: 3,000 – 3,500 words (excluding Appendices and References).
For your reference, I am a healthy, white 34-year old female from Kentucky. I am extremely active and spend a lot of time working out and eating healthy food.
Also, I am a college professor in the Exercise Science department and own an online fitness and nutrition coaching business.
I have attached a copy of the assignment details, as well as the files needed to expand upon this assignment (Research design plan, narrative, positionality memo, interview guide and transcriipt) that will be used for this assignment. There are also examples provided of how the assignment should be completed and put into words. Also, I have attached the book chapters and recommended resources to elaborate on the course material discussed during this section.