Entries by admin

Confidentiality, Competence, Responsibility, and Ethics

Paper Details   Your answer must state your thesis and be supported with detailed information, including dates, specific examples, and citation of material sources from your reading. Your conclusions should follow logically from the information you have presented. Any quotations, specific information, and ideas drawn from your reading must be cited and referenced in APA format. […]

Internship Report for Real Estate Administrative Assistant

Internship Report for Real Estate Administrative Assistant You are writing for a college student that is working as an entry-level intern for a company. Company: BRhth LLC: Real estate company/land development Your internship position: real estate administrative (office) assistant. Make note that this is a six-month internship started in July 2020. And make note that […]

Crime causation and diversion paper

How do these programs work to reduce juvenile crime? What are the problems major goals, objectives and core tenets? How do community based programs address issues related to juvenile gang violence? What is the role of law enforcement in these programs? Who are the key participants in these programs? What services do they provide to […]

ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Paper

ADA Accommodation for Medical Marijuana Paper  Assignment Content Research online law libraries and the Internet for sources concerning information on ADA, ADAAA, state and federal medical marijuana laws, privacy for drug testing, and drug testing in the workplace. Discuss the case study in a written report, including all of its relevant topics, and include the […]

Applied Personality Project. Psychology Essay Help.

Paper Instructions   The Applied Personality Project requires you to critically analyze personality information found in the popular media in relation to empirical research, personality theory, and your own life. You will demonstrate that you are an intelligent consumer of personality research and can think critically about personality theory, assessment, and research in relation to your […]

COVID-19 Infections Across Races

COVID-19 Infections Across Races  Instructions for the Phenomenon of Interest (POI) Topic Selection First: Review the ‘Importance of the Phenomenon of Interest’ video Next: Identify a POI that you can examine from a philosophical, theoretical and ethical perspective, as this will be your topic the entire semester Finally: Perform a basic literature search to determine if there is […]

Nursing Theory-Practice Paper

Nursing Theory-Practice Paper  Please answer the following questions (min 270 words) in APA format: (Please include resources in your work & cite references)- you should include at least 2 peer-reviewed journal references. (Don’t forget to attach your journal articles). 1. What experiences have you had in the past or are experiencing in your practicum that […]

Evaluating CSR Work of a Company or Organization

Evaluating CSR Work of a Company or Organization  Paper Instruction  How can we critically evaluate the CSR work of an international company? Apply such an evaluation to Unilever. In this essay you are required to critically evaluate the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work of Google. Your evaluation will include an assessment of: • what is […]