Entries by admin

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Career and Technical Education This discussion is an opportunity for  you to evaluate how the purposeful integration of technology in  instruction and assessment supports student acquisition of 21st-century  skills and more importantly career and technical education (CTE). In the  past few weeks, you have had the opportunity to consider the inclusion  of technology in teaching […]


Psychopathy is an important and complex topic of study in criminal behavior, especially as the definitions associated with psychopathy and associated terms are not concrete. As students of criminal behavior, you are likely to encounter multiple definitions and uses of the word psychopath, as well as terms that are sometimes substituted for it, such as criminal […]

Journal Article Review

Journal Article Review TOPIC: Select any topic (Process, Knowledge Area, Inputs, Tools/Techniques, Outputs, etc) from the chapters that have been covered this term in Kloppenborg or Pinto. The student is required to choose a journal article regarding the topic selected. The Kloppenborg text has additional readings available at the end of each chapter to aid […]

National Resource Search

National Resource Search Attached is the food listing to check, and then go to this link for Housing Insecurity and Housing/ Rental Assistance, check with two other sources to double-check that you have those all on the Branch county guide. if it is senior Housing or housing for the disabled please state that in the […]

Cyber Security assignment help

Find an article on cybersecurity and write about 250 words about that article. References must be contained in the paper and no plagiarism. Must be a peer-reviewed article published within the last 5 years and located on Google Scholar.

Discussion Board – The Pink Tax

Discussion Board Watch the Facebook video on “The Pink Tax” in the supplementary resource folder and listen to the podcast here: https://www.npr.org/2019/08/15/751440592/the-gender-gap-series-the-problem-with-the-pink-tax. Let us know what you feel. There’s also a website: www.pink.tax for more on gender-based pricing to add to your understanding. Tie in your thoughts with what you learned about price discrimination in the past week. […]

Reimbursement Rates

Assignment 2: Week 6 Practicum Journal: Reimbursement Rates Reimbursement rates and medical coding can be almost as complicated as treating some mental illnesses. As a PMHNP, you will be faced with varying rates that may be different than other health care providers you may work with. In this Practicum Journal Assignment, you will analyze reimbursement […]

Religion and Popular Culture in Dialogue

During this course, you must submit a reflection paper. The essay must be 3-5 pages.  You must submit a reflection paper that demonstrates your understanding of the materials that we have studied.  For the reflection paper, you will reflect on one aspect of religion or popular culture (e.g., Popular Culture in Religion, Religion in Popular Culture, Popular Culture as Religion, Religion and […]

Paid Time Off Benefits

Paid Time Off Benefits   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2BPoK1HDQ4&feature=emb_title Watch the following advertisement from HMP Finance: (HMP Finance, 2017) As we see from the video, HMP Finance recommends employers to have generous paid-time-off policies. If you were in charge of a business, what paid-time-off benefits would you implement to help retain and attract great employees? Why? What would be […]