Entries by admin

Project CEO Selection

Project: CEO Selection Use the same organization you identified in the Week 1 portion of the project. (APPLE COMPANY) Throughout this assignment, the critical importance of finding the right successor for the company’s CEO is paramount. The right candidate needs exemplary leadership, vision, and strategic planning abilities along with many of the other personal and professional qualities […]

Leadership In Crisis In Education

CRISIS IN EDUCATION During the past few weeks, the coronavirus has cast an uncertain future over U.S. education—particularly the ongoing school year. It has also raised a host of questions: Is remote learning possible for every school? How can educators and parents make it a meaningful experience when it’s happened so suddenly? And what roles […]

How might knowledge of equipment lifetimes affect maintenance decisions?

How might knowledge of equipment lifetimes affect maintenance decisions? What are the important considerations in purchasing major equipment for hotels? Why is there a question sometimes on whether to allocate expenses to operating budgets (POM) or capital expenses (CAPEX)? How would you explain the difference between the two? What types of emergencies would you plan […]

Comparison Essay

Comparison Essay You may use block or point by point. I want you to write about COVID 19 (Corona Virus) in the U.S before the virus and now after 3 months of dealing with the realities. You do not need to cover everything, but you should select 3 things to compare in detail. Remember you […]

Leadership & organizational culture

What do you think is the role of the leader in creating an organizational culture? What are some tools leaders can use to create organizational culture? How would you decide what culture to build in your organization?

Recognize and Quantify the Need 

FACET 1- Recognize and Quantify the Need   Developing a product can be a challenging, but useful asset to companies and small businesses and the way they find the purpose of their products for their customers proves to be just as important.  Finding the needs of the customer or client can be done using several […]

Clients And Markets

Description/Focus: Profiling market / client characteristics, including segmentation & targeting from a buyer behaviour perspective. Value: 40% of unit total Due date: Sunday, Week 6 Length: 2500 Words   General focus The assignments for Clients & Markets involve a real life case study, which will enable you to apply your newly acquired understanding of marketing […]

Privacy In Cyberspace

IT481 (Ethics & Professional Practice)  SPRING 2020 OBJECTIVE: Prepare a small research project on Ethics issues TASK: Choose one Topic from the following: Ethical and Privacy Issues in Online Social Networks Privacy in Cyberspace Anonymity Cyberspace Censorship Ethical Hacking   Topics covered: Definition of topic Examples Supporters Opponents Your own opinion     Conditions: A […]

Movie/video Analysis

Movie/video Analysis: Select a movie that presents a contemporary business situation. Discussion should include the following: 1. Name and year of movie, actors, and director information. 2. Summary of plot 3. Business related topic 4. Message of the movie regarding business situation 5. Christian point of view and discussion of whether concept presented in the […]