Entries by admin


DISCUSSION #1  WHAT ARE THE KEY ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE?  RESPONSE # 1 – For there to be effective corporate governance there are three key elements that the company must follow. These would be Transparency, Accountability, and Security which are critical for any company to be able to run effectively and efficiently. These elements […]

Harvard Referencing Help

When you need Harvard style of citations and referencing. Similarly, choose the Vancouver referencing option when you need the same. you may not know how to incorporate all these different types of sources on your paper. https://essayassignmenthelp.com.au/harvard-referencing-generator.html

Response To Discussion

Each Response will be 250 words each: Response 1: I believe that the IFI’s, such as the IMF, World Bank, and WTO, are run by their executive boards and bureaucratic staff, but are accountable to their member states.  Through political ties and the United Nations, barrowing states can try to hold the IFI or lender […]

Criminal Justice

Chapter 3 What is the U.S. Supreme Court’s definition of probable cause? For practical purposes, when does probable cause exist? The Court says that probable cause is to be determined using the standard of an “objectively reasonable police officer.” What does this mean? Give your own example of an incident where an “objectively reasonable police officer” […]

Animals used in Biomedical Research

“Animals used in Biomedical Research” Research this topic on the Internet.  Write a discussion post on your thoughts on this topic.  Your post should be at least 200 words and must not be copied or plagiarized.   Cite your sources if you use a website to help you.  You can write about something new you […]

Organizational Culture – Case Analysis

Organizational Culture Case Analysis     Learning Goals: This assignment will allow you apply your knowledge of organizational culture and cultural change to analyze an organization that experienced radical change from above.   Procedures: For this assignment you will analyze the case of Semco, which is available here:   https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/719433   If purchasing the case […]

Categorical (Nominal) Dependent Variables – Logit (Logistic Regression)

Here is an introductory/survey video of Logit Analysis, which allows us to analyze nominal dependent variables. Regression only allow us to work with continuous variables. Video: Introduction to Logit Analysis: https://youtu.be/ANi_PpkTSJA Note: This Extra Credit Assignment is a bit tougher than the other ones, so it is worth a bonus of up to 10% of […]

21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility

21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility Prior to beginning your assignment, read Chapter 2 of the textbook and  Corporate social responsibility in the 21st century: A view from the world’s most successful firms. Using the Fortune 100 List (https://fortune.com/best-companies/)choose an organization that has their corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement, vision, and mission statements available on their website. Quote […]

The Taming of the Shrew

Book: https://www.folgerdigitaltexts.org/?chapter=5&play=Shr&loc=p7   Online Assignment Questions on Act Four of The Taming of the Shrew 1. See lines IV.i.188-211. Analyze Petruchio’s language in this soliloquy. What is his strategy to tame Katherine, according to these lines? Why is this passage delivered as a soliloquy? What does Peter mean when he says Petruchio intends to “kill […]