Entries by admin

Art, Visual Culture, and Tourism: Pop-up Retails on Tourism

Art, Visual Culture, and Tourism: Pop-up Retails on Tourism Bibliography McIntyre, Charles, ed. Tourism and retail: The psychogeography of liminal consumption. Routledge, 2012. (Chapter 4, Chapter 8) Reimagining the Mall, recent New York Times articles. Ferreri, Mara. “Pop-up shops as an interruption in (post-) recessional London.” Cities interrupted: Visual culture and urban space (2016): 141-156. Niehm, Linda […]

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative Case Study on Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles of principlism. Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” […]

Women in the American Revolution

Role of Women in the American Revolution Link to film on women in the American Revolution: http://library.fora.tv/2013/10/25/Daughters_of_Liberty_and_Loyalist_Women A one page reflection on the following prompt: Pretend you are (CHOOSE ONE) A: a loyalist woman whose husband has gone to war and has remained at home B: a Patriot woman whose husband has gone to war […]

Congress Policy Advocacy Paper

Congress Policy Advocacy Paper Instructions You are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. For example, you would like to see the banning of smoking in federal buildings (Note: This policy has already been enacted.) You are going to make an informational pamphlet to highlight your points to prominent members of Congress. Research […]

Healthcare Quality Improvement Models

Healthcare Quality Improvement Models  Questions • Compare and contrast models used for systematic improvement • Differentiate how, when, and why to use different improvement models; • Explain a framework for implementing improvements in complex systems; and • Identify strategies for sustaining improvement gains. Identify strategies for creating improvement project teams: • Name criteria for pursuing […]

Healthcare Cost-Quality Relationships

Healthcare Cost-Quality Relationships Questions Because of possible complications at delivery, Mrs. T. is told by her doctor that she will have to give birth at South General Hospital. When Mrs. T. tells her friends what her doctor said, they are appalled and urge her to do all she can to go to Community Hospital instead. […]

Barriers to Quality Healthcare

Barriers to Quality Healthcare  Question  Discuss common roadblocks to implementing quality healthcare (2-3 pages, APA style, 3-4 sources) Also……. Pay for essay #Do my homework #Buy essays #Essay writing help #Academic writing service #Pay for essay writing #Custom essays #Academic writing service #Business writing service #Custom papers #How to write a case study #How to […]