Entries by admin

Impact of Asthma on Adolescence’s Daily Life and School.

Impact of Asthma on Adolescence’s Daily Life and School.  Literature review (8-10 pages) in APA 6th edition with 5-7 scholarly sources. Pay for essay Do my homework Buy essays Essay writing help Academic writing service Pay for essay writing Custom essays Academic writing service Business writing service Custom papers How to write a case study […]

Assessing and Treating Clients With Psychosis and Schizophrenia

Assessing and Treating Clients With Psychosis and Schizophrenia  To prepare for this Assignment: Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how to assess and treat clients requiring anxiolytic therapy. The Assignment Examine Case Study: Pakistani Woman with Delusional Thought Processes. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. […]

Reverse osmosis, Multi-Stage flash / effect distillation In Saudi Arabia

Reverse osmosis, Multi-Stage flash / effect distillation In Saudi Arabia  Introduction I. Seawater Desalination process 1- Reverse Osmosis (RO) 2- Multistage Stage Flash Distillation (MSF) 3- Multi Effect Distillation (MED) II. The negative impact caused by the desalination technologies. 1- Environmental effect 2- The high cost of desalinated products III. Conclusion a- Recommendation

Management Communication Scenario

You are a manager of a research company. Your research team has developed a transition package that allows a gas-powered engine to transition to running on biofuels. The availability and low cost of biofuels make the transition package a potential game changer in the automobile market. You have named the product Sparkit.  In addition to tests completed by […]

Regression Analysis. Regression Discussion

Regression Analysis. Regression Discussion Use the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) (Links to an external site.) to find an article that meets the following criteria. Peer-reviewed. Full text available on ERIC. Contains the words “Method of Least Squares” or “Linear Regression.” Download the full-text article and write a four-paragraph (maximum) critique of the article. Follow […]

Correlation and Regression

Correlation and Regression Use the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) (Links to an external site.) to find an article that meets the following criteria. Peer-reviewed. Full text available on ERIC. Contains the words “Correlation” or “Regression.” Download the full-text article and write a four-paragraph (maximum) critique of the article. Follow the guidelines in the Writing […]

Nursing Model Application

Nursing Model Application  For MN 502, FNP school, at least 250 words, 3 references min., APA style, for posting to online class seminar. Nursing models provide various perspectives for thinking critically and making nursing decisions. Choose a nursing model and identify the concepts, values, and beliefs as they apply to contemporary nursing practice.  

Global Business: Financial and Economic Analysis

Global Business: Financial and Economic Analysis Overview Your overall goal is to select a publicly traded US consumer products company NOT in the Fortune 100. Then select a country in which your company does not currently operate, and devise a plan within your area of expertise. As you embark upon your work, you should keep several things […]

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Fall Prevention Intervention of Veterans Hospital

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Fall Prevention Intervention of Veterans Hospital  The Capstone Research Project  Approval of the topic Evaluating the effectiveness of current fall prevention intervention of veterans hospital PICO/TS: your topic idea as a question Population: adlt medical surgical patients Intervention: re-enforcing staff communication and training tools for nurses and nurse technicians. Comparison […]

Nursing Ethics Assignment

Nursing Ethics Assignment  Instructions  The purpose of this assignment is guide the student in crafting a 2-3 page scholarly paper that examines professional nursing values and behaviors. The student will select one of the professional issues from either documentary where an ethical decision must be considered. Ethics in the practice of nursing plays a significant […]