Entries by admin

Child Observation Project

Child Observation Project  CHILD OBSERVATION PROJECT (30%) The final project is your opportunity to demonstrate a sophisticated understanding and integration of concepts covered during the semester. Observation of child (ages birth-12yrs), write-up & analysis. The child can be a family member, friend, or relative. Please, explain the purpose of the observation to the child’s caretaker […]

Diabetes in the UAE

Diabetes in the UAE  The outline of the research must be: 1) Working title 2) Background of The Study 3) The Problem Statement (Purpose of the study/research objectives) 4) The scope of the study 5) The relevance of the study 6) The research design: – Type of study – Data collection methods (survey through survey […]

Nursing Leadership in COVID-19

Nursing Leadership in COVID-19 Part I: There are multiple – each quite different – styles of management, some of which are better suited to specific organizational cultures, work groups, and/or circumstances. Research various management styles and read about what makes each one different, and detail the pros and cons of each one. Create a small […]

Dealing with Emergencies

Dealing with Emergencies  How shall we reason through to the decision of the law enforcement authorities at the 1972 Munich Olympics? How are we to balance protecting people versus allowing people to participate in and enjoy an event? After all, doing away with events entirely would be easier in terms of safety, but most people […]

Public Meeting Essay

Public Meeting Essay Part I • Summarize the meeting you attended, adding the time, date and type of meeting. No need to list the members of the city council, Board of Supervisors, etc. Just tell me what you observed. (Although I do like to know who your mayor is.) • It may help to ask […]

Global Community Paralegal

Global Community Paralegal Instructions Global community paralegal paper. 1. View the Ted Talk on “Access to Justice and Community Paralegals” (link: https://www.ted.com/talks/vivek_maru_how_to_put_the_power_of_law_in_people_s_hands/reading-list) and answer the following questions: – What is access to justice? – How many people globally are denied access to justice? – What is the role of a grassroots attorney/community paralegal? – What […]

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak  Research Paper Instructions. Coronavirus Outbreak 1. The paper must be 3 – 5 pages. 2. Written in APA style 3. Double spaced pages/numbered 4. Should include introduction, body and conclusion. 5. Must cover the following topics: a. History of the virus b. Epidemiology c. Who is most affected (age group, Ethnic group) […]

Diversity the PepisCo Way

Diversity the PepisCo Way  Complete the “Final Draft” of your paper taking into consideration new learning, instructor advice, prior grading comments, and ongoing editing. Please use the attached template for WS 6 I need the materials applied to the template and page numbers added and appendix completed.