Entries by admin

Enterprise Risk Management & Global Economy

Week 12 Enterprise Risk Management: After completing the assigned reading, answer the following questions in a short paper. Use the level of detail appropriate for a doctoral level. Outside sources are not required, but if used, they must be cited in-text and in a references section following APA style. For Chapter 26, Bim Consultants: 1. […]

Writing NGO Funding Proposal Paper

Write a 4–5-page proposal for a health improvement initiative, including a Balanced Scorecard, which addresses one aspect of an identified health issue. You will include a proposal for how to assess outcomes. Instructions For this assessment, assume the role described in the scenario below: Scenario: Imagine you are working for a nongovernmental organization (NGO) and […]

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Assignment

Criteria: 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points  1 Point 0 Points Points Earned Total possible points 1. Research articles Articles were:1) Submitted to med surg instructor by established deadline. 2)  Two approved articles submitted with final paper. 3) Research based 4) < 5 years old   Three criterion met Two criterion met One criterion met […]

Healthcare Best Practices Report

Instructions Write a 4–6 page report that analyzes how two highly ranked countries manage a specific disease and use that analysis to develop best practices for a health alliance organization. Preparation This assessment assumes the perspective of population health, by analyzing how two highly ranked countries deal with a disease, and extrapolating best practices from […]

Pharmaceutical Industry and Advance Nursing Practice

National Policy Issue Paper:  Choose a national health policy issue (The Pharmaceutical industry and advance nursing practice). Each student will then research their chosen topic/issue, and write an 8-10 page academic paper (exclusive of the title page and references), using proper APA format.

Immigrants and their Contribution to the US Economy

Immigrants and their Contribution to the US Economy, Are all people in the US immigrants? There is a lot of “silent” debate about this. Anyway, let’s deal with the question. Read the article titled “Immigrants and the Economy” and write about the contribution of regular AND irregular migration to local economies, as well as the […]