Entries by admin

Psychology: Treatment for Mental Disorders

Required:  Write a thoughtful response to the question, “Why is it that some people who need mental health help choose not to seek it?” The paper for the class is to write a thoughtful response to the question, “Why is it that some people who need mental health help choose not to seek it?” This […]

Future of Supply Chain /Acquisition Process

Consider what the supply chain or acquisition process might look like in the future. Instructions For this paper, you will need to find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future in order to reflect on what will change. Feel free to consider new technologies such as […]

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Cases – Grievance Process

Instructions;   Research and actual arbitration case involving a company and its union by choosing a case from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) website that was issued within the last two years. Complete the following: Discuss the key relevant issues. Discuss the arbiter’s ruling. Do you think the arbiter’s ruling was fair? Why or why […]

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Clinical Case Scenario Vignette

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Clinical Case Scenario Vignette, The purpose of this paper is to address the following clinical scenario with the use of your textbook, external credible literature, and/or reliable electronic sources. Use the guide below to draft your paper and review the rubric to ensure you have met the assignment criteria. The expected length […]

Critical Analysis of Evidence Activity

Choose a piece of research or literature relating to a management issue to be reviewed. Discuss and critically analyse the quality of the evidence, how it relates to previous management theory and whether it is generalisable to your workplace setting. Ensure literature and research is referenced correctly. it should be Harvard style referencing Critical Analysis […]

Cervus Equipment : Harvesting a New Future

Cervus Equipment : Harvesting a New Future,  Your summary should outline the broad facts and situation from the case, summarizing the current situation as it relates to the prescribed theme. Please note that you are not required to solve the case, just show an understanding of the current situation relative to the theme. THEME: Cervus Equipment’s […]

Business Analytics Paper

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: You are working as a Business Analyst in a Small Consulting firm and your CEO has asked you to provide a report on the valuation of a listed company. Given your CEO’s request, you decided to propose and use a business analytics (BA) tool to visually analyse the organization’s database from the previous […]