Entries by admin

Fiscal and Monetary Policies During the Great Recession

Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy. .Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Please note that a minimum of 1,500 words for your essay is required.

Discussion Board Questions and Answers

Post a brief description of your patient’s health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice or pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend and explain why. Be sure to justify your response. Explain a patient education strategy you […]

Leading Groups, Facilitating Groups, and Reading People

Leading Groups, Facilitating Groups, and Reading People Complete the assigned readings, and in this final discussion for TSC 2200, instruct the class regarding: * What have you learned about effective facilitation that will help your peers facilitate groups of consumers in the future? * What have you learned about nonverbal communication and body language? Include […]

Legislation and Regulation, and Regulatory Compliance

1. Describe one or more situations that you have encountered thus far in your career in which deeper understanding of lawmaking by legislatures, agencies, or courts would have made you more effective. Be as specific as possible. HOWEVER, DO NOT REVEAL ANY CONFIDENTIAL ORSENSITIVE INFORMATION THAT YOUR CURRENT OR PAST EMPLOYERS OR COLLEAGUES WOULD NOT […]

Logistics Questions & Answers

This week’s questions are: 1. How does lowest TCO differ from lowest purchase price? Can you think of an example where a manager may choose to buy based on lowest purchase price instead of lowest TCO? Explain. 2. Explain how logistics performance is crucial to JIT. What supply chain and logistics factors would you consider […]

Reflection paper / Reflection essay

Re-framing the narrative / Transnational migration in settler-colonial contexts / Part II Thobani, S. (2007) Exalted Subjects: Studies in the Making of Race and Nation in Canada (pp.3-102). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. – Introduction: Of Exaltation (pp.3-29) – Chapter 1: Founding a Lawful Nation (34-64) – Chapter 2: Nationals, Citizens and Others (68-102) […]

How to Brief a Case (Briefing a Legal Case)

How to Brief a Legal Case Using the Word Template and other instructional materials attached to this Assignment, prepare and submit a Case Brief of the U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010). This is a specific type of writing assignment. This case relates to your Week […]

Hypothetical project (Sample marketing project)

In order to conduct your discovery effectively, you need to articulate 3-5 research questions. Basically, what do you need to learn in order to successfully complete your project? Here’s an example. Let’s say the hypothetical project calls for me to assess a nonprofit’s email marketing process and to make suggestions for improvement. What research questions […]