Entries by admin

Renal patient in my critical care department (Case study)

Instructions  Using headers: 1) history of present renal illness 2) past medical history and surgical history 3) history of renal disease such as dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or declining renal function 4) current medications; giving explanation of what each medication is meant to do and how it should be taken 5) lab reports; series of lab […]

Registered Nurse (RN) Collaborative Healthcare

Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to identify and effectively manage conflicts that arise in care delivery settings resulting in better management of patient care, including appropriate delegation. You will gain insight into conflict management strategies and develop a plan to collaborate with a potential nurse leader about the conflict and […]

Saudi Aramco Project (Case Study)

Saudi Aramco (أرامكو السعودية‎) Saudi Aramco, officially the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, is a Saudi Arabian national petroleum and natural gas company based in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the largest companies in the world by revenue, and according to accounts seen by Bloomberg News, the most profitable company in the world. Project […]

Mixed Methods Design

Mixed Methods Design –Focus on application of the Method in Pre-proposal Assignment and its benefits Mixed methods designs capitalize on the strengths of qualitative and quantitative designs. For this discussion, briefly describe how the research problem that is the focus of your pre-proposal assignment could be addressed using a mixed methods design. Discuss the limitations […]