Entries by admin

Conformity, Obedience, and Self-Handicapping

Instructions Imagine the following scenario: Jared is very excited about his date with Alba. As he gets ready, he selects clothes that he thinks flatters his body the most and shows his good taste. He chooses a cologne that does not smell feminine and is not overpowering. Respond to the items below. Your response should […]

mHealth app, Safety, Guidelines, and How to Interpret and Act on the Information that is Provided

Stress Management (Scenaraio) Requirements and Guidelines Briefly state the patient scenario from the Milestone 1 assignment. Include revisions, if required by Milestone 1 faculty feedback. Identify (3) teaching areas to improve patient outcomes. Information to be taught to patient should include information about the mHealth app, safety, guidelines, and how to interpret and act on the information […]

Human Capital Index

Creating structure in any organization is essential for success. An implementation structure for innovation is no different. Create an organizational structure for innovation using Sears and summary. Refer to the different types of structures when creating your organizational structure: traditional two-tier, center of excellence, strategic horizons group, or intrapreneuring and venturing group. In addition to […]

Family Health and Heredity

Family Health and Heredity In addition to risky behaviors and environmental factors affecting our health, our DNA can also play a large role in our overall health and life expectancy. This activity is designed to help you determine your potential health in the future. By analyzing family health you can identify which diseases and tendencies […]

BSN Prepared Nursing Clinical Experience (Reflection Paper)

BSN-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. After a patient care interaction, it is important to evaluate how well you addressed the criteria set for the nurse-patient interaction and consider future improvements. Research suggests that creating and sharing a script to a video reflection may […]

Reflection Paper (Final Year Project)

Write a reflection paper of your final year project from start to finish. Start with how you chose the topic. How you planned to finish? How did you go about it? Were there any challenges? How did you overcome the challenges? …………………these are just suggestions. You can add more. (Make it about 3,500 words).

Aging and Cardiovascular System

First, list and discuss three (3) significant changes in the cardiovascular system attributable to age specifically. Next, list and discuss one (1) disease-related change in the cardiovascular system related to aging. Lastly, describe how these changes impact the lived experience of older adults in their daily lives. Be specific, mentioning social and psychological factors that […]

Country and Women’s Health

Summarize, for a country of your choice, the key issues in women’s health, who is most affected by them, key risk factors, the links between these issues with social and economic development, and what might be done to enhance the health of women and children in your country in cost-effective ways.