Entries by admin

Advanced Practice Nursing SelfAssessment

1. You will read each of the boxes in Chapter 2 of your textbook, Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach 4th Edition (one for each domain of the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence), answer these questions as they relate to you. 2. Remember to answer these questions from your personal perspective. At all times, […]

Evidence Appraisal Papers :using qualitative research methods

Evidence Appraisal Papers using qualitative research methods The purpose of this assignment is to appraise/evaluate research articles for evidence merit. One research articles (using qualitative research methods) will be selected by student. The student will write the appraisal papers based on the criteria noted below. Follow APA guidelines for this assignment (e.g., title page, abstract, […]

Cystic fibrosis is genetic disease

Cystic fibrosis is genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene. The consequence of this is production of an abnormal transmembrane protein that is responsible for producing sweat, mucus, and digestive fluids. Explain in depth the correlation between the defective gene and the abnormal protein that is produced. Be sure to mention the process […]

Herpes Simplex 1& 2 (Multiple-choice questions)

Questions 1. Genital herpes is transmitted through: A.Toilet seat B. Sex C. Shaking hands 2. Which type of herpes is mostly associated with genital herpes A. HSV-2 B.HSV-1 C. None 3. Which statement is not true about herpes simplex virus A. It is transmitted by mosquito bite B. It is chronic C. Those who have […]

The Bill of Rights (Discussion Board Question)

Please provide a discussion post related to a Constitutional Amendment and why you think that particular Amendment is especially significant to society or the law. You could search for legal sources that raise questions or concerns about the Constitutional Amendment you have selected. If you work from sources then you must use citations. Any citations […]

Why Do Black Businesses Fail?

1. Watch video clips about Attorney Maggie Anderson’s year of striving to only buy black products. “My Black Year” covered on PBS News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77j_lB8TXig According to the clip(s), why aren’t there many businesses in African-American neighborhoods? And why, according to the clip(s) do they fail? 2. Why do you think that African-Americans are not that successful? Why […]

Opioid Epidemic Paper

“The United States is in the throes of an opioid epidemic, as more than 2 million Americans have become dependent on or abused prescription pain pills and street drugs” (CNN, 2018). This is a health crisis that APN’s are a part of. Research and write a 3-page paper (not counting the cover and reference page) […]