Entries by admin

What is Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)?

In a 10-page paper formatted in APA style and citing at least 3 sources: Explain the general aspects of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Symptoms, prevalence, treatments, types, risk factors, diagnosis, and so forth. One source should be DSM-V.

Triple constraints of projects

Discuss the triple constraints of project management. Use the knowledge you have gained in this class to analyze the project in the given case study in the context of triple constraints. Was the project successful?

Situational analysis | Case Study Of Boeing

Situational analysis is important in every organization that is operating in a competitive environment. Imagine your company is in the process of launching a new product or service in the market, and you are a strategic manager. You have been tasked with finding information which is critical for making further decisions about the product, service, […]

Radicalization programs

Terrorism is  global threat to peace. Discuss five radicalization models: Sageman’s Four Prongs The NYPD’s Radicalization Process Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Extremist Groups Borum’s Pathway