Entries by admin

Schizophrenia DSM-5 or depression, Psychosis

Use DSM-5 and write 12 pages about schizophrenia. In your work, include the following: clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, prevalence, theoretical perspectives on the causes of the disorder, and treatment approaches. Follow APA guidelines. Use at least 8 scholarly sources.

Intercultural Issues in Business and Management

Question: You are provided with four case studies to analyze. The structure of the paper will be cover page, introduction (275 words), analysis (825 words), recommendations (275 words), and conclusion (150 words). Include an abstract. Follow APA guidelines and use at least 12 peer reviewed sources.

Multimedia Presentation (Competencies)

COMPETENCIES ________________________________________ Communication Process The graduate applies effective communication techniques and principles to business environments. Business Writing The graduate applies the principles of business writing in organizations. Communication Technology The graduate appropriately uses diverse technology and/or social media to communicate effectively.  Written Messages The graduate recognizes multiple types of business messages and creates appropriate messages […]

Employee recruitment and selection

Instructions Locate and select a job description from SHRM’s HR Jobs and address the following items. Explain how and where you would let potential applicants know that this job is available, other than this site. Describe what kinds of information you would want applicants to provide in their resumes and cover letters. Identify how you […]


This week you will take a digital field trip to view the Ancient Greece Architecture Gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Located in New York, the Met offers one of the United States’ most diverse and largest collections of art in the world. Your visit to the digital archive will help you develop your […]

Unit Questions – Romanticism

Choose three questions (points deducted for not meeting word count requirements).  Include the question at the top of your response. Put all responses into one document – in other words don’t submit the assignment multiple times, once for each response.  Remember – you MUST put information in your own words (this includes information from your […]

Unit Questions – Modernism

Choose four of the following questions and write a 150-350 word response to each question (points deducted for not meeting word count requirements).  Include the question at the top of your response. Put all responses into one document – in other words don’t submit the assignment multiple times, once for each response.  Remember – you […]

Find Strategic Opportunities

Describe Abell’s three-dimensional business-definition model and explain where it can be utilized. Then, consider Reader’s Digest Association, publisher of Reader’s Digest, the largest circulation magazine in the world in 1992. As famous and as popular as its magazine and brand were at the time, the real value to the company was the huge database of […]

Art Appreciation

Directions 1. Choose two of the art works below from your textbook. Benjamin West’s Death of General Wolfe on page 28, fig. 2.14. William Hartnett’s A Smoke Backstage on page 9, fig. 1.10. Georgia O’Keeffe’s Jack-in-the-Pulpit No. V on page 15, fig. 1.20. Berthe Morisot’s In A Villa at the Seaside on page 24, fig. 2.7. 2. Use this critique form to analyse the art work you […]