Entries by admin

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management Instructions  Based on the attach article on Microsoft respond following questions. Create a Word Document to submit your answers. At least 2 to 5 lines for each question. 1. From your personal experiences as a customer, information that you just read, and what you found on the Internet, what do you feel […]

Environmental Science Essay

Instructions  OSHA issued the Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Standard (PSM) (29 CFR 1910.119) which contains requirements for the safe management of chemicals for companies that exceed OSHA’s threshold quantities for highly hazardous substances. This standard requires the establishment of a management program that includes conducting process hazard analyses, establishing detailed operating procedures, […]

Skills, Attributes and Behaviors of Entrepreneurs

A101 Assignment – Points to bear in mind – January 2020  General: – Need Title page including Title, Student name and ID, Module ref and date, plus contents page detailing shortened section title.  NB all work to be referenced Harvard Ref Style CU Guide. In body of report each section with its appropriate section title and […]

Industrial Engineering(Quality Control)

Please provide a writing sample that showcases your ability to think critically and articulate your ideas in writing. Demonstrate your ability to analyze a topic in the same field to which you are applying. [Please can you do the essay from the (Quality Control) subject]

Aviation Essays Help

Instructions  Respond to the following in 7-9 pages. The rise of Global Airline Strategic Alliances (GASAs) such as Star Alliance or OneWorld has been good for airlines, passengers and the industry as a whole”. Discuss this statement explaining why you have reached the conclusions you have. You should support the points you make with examples […]

Should Gun Laws be Changed in the U.S.?

Instructions   *Write a 750-1000 word argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development. An effective argumentative essay must have evidence to make its case; most arguments that occur in daily life happen in the heat of the moment and are more likely directed toward saving one’s own pride than toward giving clear and […]

Assessment for Business Values & Ethics

Answer any 4 case studies given below: Case I Study the given case and answer the questions given below: A junior member of staff has just returned to work after taking special leave to care for her elderly mother. For financial reasons she needs to work full-time. She has been having difficulties with her mother’s […]

Nutritional Principals in Nursing

Nutritional Principals in Nursing  Create an outline of your project (1 page). The outline should only contain topic headings and a brief description of what it will cover. See the link below for an APA formatted outline. Remember that your outline will be a guide as you write your paper to keep you on topic […]

Professional e-Portfolio

3. Personal Nursing Philosophy – this should demonstrate application of two (2) of the UTS Bachelor of Nursing Graduate Attributes (550 words maximum) 4. Professional Nursing Standards – using the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice (2016), describe how you intend to demonstrate the development of ONE (1) of the following standards in preparation for or when on clinical placement […]