Entries by Bernard

Jerry has been a daily heroin user for the last 7 years

Jerry has been a daily heroin user for the last 7 years Jerry has been a daily heroin user for the last 7 years. He is HIV positive and has recently been diagnosed with hepatitis C. Jerry believes that both of these illnesses were contracted through the use of shared needles. As a condition for […]

Mechanism of solubility of cellulose in ionic liquid

Mechanism of solubility of cellulose in ionic liquid The paper should include the citation and references Also, references should be from recent papers. Please avoid the similarities because I’ll do Plagiarism checking to make sure. Thanks

How the payment plan affects reimbursement

How the payment plan affects reimbursement Write a 75- to 150-word response for each of the following questions. Use your own words and provide examples to support your answers. 1. How are the data elements in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 837 claim form similar to the CMS-1500? 2. How does each […]

Medical billing and coding HIPAA

Medical billing and coding HIPAA Write a 75- to 150-word response for each of the following questions. Use your own words and provide examples to support your answers. 1. How are the data elements in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 837 claim form similar to the CMS-1500? 2. How does each form […]

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and […]

Mass Incarceration Research Memo APA Style

Mass Incarceration Research Memo APA Style INTRODUCTION The first paragraph will start with a definition of the phrase mass incarceration. The introduction will then give contextual information such as the state of mass incarceration in the country. This includes general statistics. The last paragraph of the introduction will state that mass incarceration has brought about […]

1978 – Airline Deregulation Act

1978 – Airline Deregulation Act Write a paper of 4-5 pages, excluding the cover page, charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, the reference page, and the appendix, in accordance with APA standards using the current edition. Refer to the rubric for grading. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name […]

Case Study: Babcock Place

Case Study: Babcock Place For this writing assignment due at the end of Week 3, write a short (3-4 page, doublespaced) paper reflecting on the course concepts as they are demonstrated in the case study “Babcock Place.” This assignment is designed to encourage you to apply concepts we have been learning so far in the […]

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence A 36-year-old pregnant Orthodox Jewish woman who has ten children visits her female gynecologist, a Reform Jew, because she has large and painful vulvar varicose veins. The women’s husband remains in the room during the examination and answers the physician’s questions for the […]

Expt 3_Kinetics Lab Experiment

Expt 3_Kinetics Lab Experiment Use the given data on pages 185 and 186 to write the lab report for this experiment. TITLE: YOUR NAME: ABSTRACT: What you did (Explain the Procedure that you followed) How you did it (Give the tool and/or “simulator URL” used) Why you did it (What was the purpose for doing […]