Entries by Bernard

20th Century the craft of Diplomacy

20th Century the craft of Diplomacy In the 20th Century the craft of Diplomacy was lost. How far do you agree with this statement? Critical, analytical, persuasive and solid structure.

Community Demographics

Community Demographics You will explore the Census.gov website and find demographic details on a location of your choice/interest. Data should include the sex, age, income, housing, etc. distributions in the area. You may go to any details you would like to include. Then Compare your selected location demographic data with New Jersey data. Discuss disparities […]

Merchandising Budget Analysis

Merchandising Budget Analysis Please see the attached document titled WK3DisInstructions. I have also provided attachments to include as references to complete the assignment. Identify a merchandising business which with you are familiar or one you read about. The business should be substantial enough to make its financial statements available. Ideally, it should have existing information […]

Design a Vulnerability Assessment Procedure

Design a Vulnerability Assessment Procedure You must write a paper that indicates the importance and impact of performing vulnerability assessments that includes the design for a vulnerability assessment procedure that includes an evaluation of industry tools that can assist in the process, electronic evidence collection, data analysis, and reporting. Your paper should address the following: […]

Cognitive Empathy

Cognitive Empathy This assignment will provide you the opportunity to utilize the knowledge you have gained thus far in DOC/714S. You will be engaging in a dialogic experience by interviewing 2 individuals to practice critical and creative thinking, noting implicit and explicit meanings of responses, cognitive empathy skills, and observations of facial expressions and body […]

Propose a plan for an intercultural experience

Propose a plan for an intercultural experience Propose a plan for an intercultural experience. A “pre-experience outline” is provided below to assist in the planning. The proposal describing your cultural experience should address the following questions: 1) Intended contact culture group: a) What is the identified culture group with which you are planning to have […]

Marketing Analysis and Competition

Marketing Analysis and Competition See file Canada Goose 3 attached for instructions to complete this paper. Writer MUST be very detailed and the paper MUST be completed like a subject matter expert. Paper MUST be properly edited and proofread before delivery. Paper will NOT be approved if these requirements are not satisfied, Writer may deliver […]

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture Read the information below, including the three links to the references, and then answer the question. Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture The most widely used framework for classifying types of cultures is Geert Hofstede’s dimensions of culture. Hofstede, a Dutch social psychologist, once worked with IBM International to become interested in cross-cultural […]