Entries by Bernard

Any psychology concept or issue

Any psychology concept or issue Summarize the main points of the article using your own words as well as including what interested you about the article and/ or what you learned. Additionally, you will need to identify the psychological concepts that are involved in the article you select as well as give your thoughts on […]

Ethnic studies- Race

Ethnic studies- Race watch this video in you tube ,then write a 1 page self-reflective review. New times roman 12 double space, MLA format with title page. thank you Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorder

Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorder In 3 pages, write a treatment plan with Schizophrenia Sectrum for your client in which you do the following: 1.Describe the HPI and clinical impression for the client. 2.Recommend psychopharmacologic treatments and describe specific and therapeutic endpoints for your psychopharmacologic agent. (This should relate to HPI and clinical impression.) […]

Northrop Grumman- a business strategic analysis

Northrop Grumman- a business strategic analysis APA paper on Northrop Grumman- a business strategic analysis. You will use various analytical tools to provide a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for Northrop Grumman. Once the SWOT analysis has been generated, you will discuss how this information might be used in terms of making strategic decisions […]

Best College Personal Statements with Desktop Tutors

Best College Personal Statements with Desktop Tutors Personal Statement Paper details: Applying to a Physician Assistant Program. I want it to be a story of my background then go into my Clinical skills, heart for pateint care, showing the passion for medicine, observing a medical doctor, understanding what a PA is, skills I learned. Use […]

Who will govern technology or will technology govern us?

Who will govern technology or will technology govern us? Please review the uploaded pdfs and discuss the following topic: Who will govern technology, or will technology govern us? For the “Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution” pdf, only section 2 needs to be read.

Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies

Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies Instructions Select a publicly-traded company to research. Evaluate its human resource (HR) and business strategy, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital. The following are some of the company websites that provide this information: Allstate: Human Resources Careers. State Farm: Human Resources & […]

American History Since 1900

American History Since 1900 American History Since 1900 Essay #1 Choose one (1) of the prompts below and write a short response of 4-5 FULL pages, 12 point font, double-space (approximately 1000-1200 words) Analytical Option 1) During the early twentieth century, immigration, urbanization, industrialization, imperialism and a world war transformed American society and exploited many […]