Entries by Bernard

Innovation and Change Management

Innovation and Change Management MBA, a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice on ‘Leading Innovation and Change’. The paper is due in 2 parts. 1st part is only 2000 words and is due by February 4th. Then we have to wait 1 to 2 weeks for the professor’s feedback. After […]

What characterizes performative intercultural business communication?

What characterizes performative intercultural business communication? What characterizes performative intercultural business communication? wish models are relevant for this topic? can you explain why you choose this models? Present the choosing models. If you want, you can include the model of the intercultural communication in business (Robert Gibson,2002, or the model of fruitful business communication (Jelovac, […]

Apocalypse in yer face theatre in selected plays

Apocalypse in yer face theatre in selected plays A PH D dissertation. My topic  Apocalypse in yer face theatre  in selceted plays The plays are Some expilcit polaroids- Handbag -Mark Ravenhill Realism and The wonderful world of Dissocia of anthony neilson Blasted and phaedra’s love by sarah kane It will be about 1- Apocalypse in […]

Nursing Discussion Assignment

Nursing Discussion Assignment Discussion assignment It is a discussion assignment where 5 questions are to be answered. Each answer should be in a paragraph. please APA format should be used for the references. And articles sited should not be more than 5 years old.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and Acquisitions Your goal for Week is to visit LIRN and locate 4-6 articles and produce an annotated bibliography of the selected journal article and supporting sources using the advice at this link: . The annotated bibliography should contain entries for: One merger and acquisition-related peer-reviewed journal article you would like […]

Suicide Research Paper

Suicide Research Paper Writing Your Research Paper: Once you have a satisfactory outline, you are ready to start writing the paper. The paper must be typed, Times New Roman, double-spaced, in a font no larger than 12 points, and 3 – 5 pages in length. A bibliography citing a least TWO sources is required. APA […]


TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION Paper details: READ INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED -Complete each part as requested -Total of 1550 words -Total of 8 slides in Part 8

Body Worn Cameras (BWC)

Body Worn Cameras (BWC) The research paper MUST be an argumentative/persuasive paper on body worn cameras in law enforcement. Please do NOT make it an informative paper. Instructions: -must have 10 GOOGLE SCHOLAR sources (peer-reviewed sources) ranging from 2005-2021 articles -all cited sources listed in the references section must be referenced somewhere in the body […]

Define the rule of law market state and varieties of capitalism

Define the rule of law market state and varieties of capitalism https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctvcm4j53?refreqid=excelsior%3A97255f8000d0e64d4ad46d9e4888a9c7 A new approach is needed to defeat COVID-19 and fix fragile states Define the rule of law market state and varieties of capitalism