Entries by Bernard

Writing a report about Canada Paper details

Writing a report about Canada Paper details Economic Environment – provide an overview of the economy, economic statistics and activity such as exports, GNP or GDP, exchange rates, foreign investments, trade restrictions, etc. in your selected country. Cultural Analysis – provide an overview of the culture in the country including language, business etiquette, Hofstede five […]

Obesity among children and adolescents

Obesity among children and adolescents Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from a specific culture in your area. 2) Choose one of the Leading Health Indicators (LHI) priorities from Healthy People 2020: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/Leading-Health-Indicators 3) Research a topic related to health and […]

Safety Auditing

Safety Auditing Submit a paper that accomplishes the following: -Describe the facility for which you plan to develop your audit material in the final project -Define the scope of regulatory requirements that will need to be considered and included in your audit program -Define the scope of non-regulated topics that will need to be considered […]

How should the Chief Nursing Officer impact nurses in their everyday duties?

How should the Chief Nursing Officer impact nurses in their everyday duties? PROMPT: How should the Chief Nursing Officer impact nurses in their everyday duties? Do not attempt to address every aspect of the Chief Nursing Officer’s impact on nurses. Instead, focus on two or three areas you think are most important. Your assignment here […]

Karenia Brevis

Karenia Brevis You will respond to another classmate with a substantive comment in a minimum 100, maximum 150 words, moving the science discussion forward in an area of interest after reading your classmate’s main discussion post. Again, you should provide student original writing, paraphrasing from credible sources, cite your source for this post with in-text […]

Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Ecosystems and Biodiversity Evaluation Title: Environmental Literacy Plan – Phase II This week you will add to the Environmental Literacy Plan by exploring your community for biomes and biodiversity. You will need to explore your community and take a few pictures to include in your plan. The pictures can be taken by a camera or […]

Personality Tests

Personality Tests Take free Personality Test. Which I did and can send results. Need 700 word essay on engagement with the psychological tests and the utility and potential issues of doing so. Reference your experience. Is it accurate, consider factors/variables, (time of day, culture, education etc) do not need them all just what could influence […]

NA and AA Reflective Paper

NA and AA Reflective Paper I have uploaded the syllabus rubric. This topic should be done in two papers. One paper for the AA meeting and one for the NA meeting.

Discussion – Clinical Data Management System

Discussion – Clinical Data Management System Clearly label each question before posting Question 1 (Note: 2 parts) 15 points In your opinion: What is the most interesting aspect of the NCI’s initiative to modernize and standardize a Clinical Data Management System for the US national cooperative groups Why do you believe this to be true? […]