Entries by Bernard

Milestone two: Examine Delivery Models

Milestone two: Examine Delivery Models TWO Full and DETAILED page -no plagiarism -must follow all instructions and rubrics -ONLY use SCHOLARLY SOURCES -make sure you read the ENTIRE rubric -assignment must meet “proficiency” in each category from the rubric -make sure you answer ALL THREE questions from the prompt – make sure to answer elements […]

Comprehensive Health History

Comprehensive Health History Complete a comprehensive history, utilizing the form linked below, on either someone over the age of 65 or someone that you know has a lot of medical problems. Write the results in narrative format and include the family history as a genogram.

Going Global Fast-Starbucks

Going Global Fast-Starbucks 12 Font size Times New Roman. Use APA style for in-text citations and reference lists. Focus your efforts on responding to the given end-of-case questions. These four questions have to be answered within the body of the paper. 1. Identify the controllable and uncontrollable elements that Starbucks has encountered in entering global […]

Intersectionality Nursing

Intersectionality Nursing 1) Intersectionality has become a “buzz word” that is often used as a definition but not operationalized into practice. Reflecting on your increased understanding from last week’s readings, discuss how Sarah Jama’s perspectives relate to women’s experiences within the article. How can applying an intersectional lens improve women with disabilities’ experiences in this […]

Jackson Sporting Goods in America Business Plan

Jackson Sporting Goods in America Business Plan Hi This is a very in-depth project. My final project before graduation! 🙂 I am attaching 5 documents, that need to be followed thoroughly for this project. 1. Project Instructions 2. Project Outline Rubrics 3-5. These documents are the 3 documents that the project requests as Units 2, […]

Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage Capstone Paper

Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage Capstone Paper ACCU 602- Financial Reporting and Analysis Text book Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits Gary A. Porter, Curtis L. Norton Cengage Learning 10th Edition BUSU 610- Data Analysis for Decision Making Text Book Basic Statistics for Business and Economics Douglas A. Lind, William G. […]